Friday, June 21, 2024

Jakarta Daemon, Part 5: "The Daemon's Reckoning" [TrUzApalOOza cardstock variant cover]

Continuing my previous post for the Jakarta Daemon storyline, and yes I am presenting my story ideas and cover art out-of-order.

[my rough proposal for part 5 of a new John Constantine storyline for DC Comics]

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Jakarta was consumed by darkness. The city's streets were ablaze, the sounds of screams and gunfire filling the air. The daemon's eyes glowed with an otherworldly energy, drawing the very life force out of the air. Its body began to stretch and contort, growing into a towering monstrosity with claws as long as city buses. The stench of brimstone and smoke filled the air, and John could feel the heat emanating from the daemon's fiery breath. John Constantine stood atop a rooftop, his eyes fixed on the chaos below. His attention was focused on the true enemy: the daemon Kuntilanak, growing in power and size as it crushed smaller buildings and continued to feed on its human sacrifices.

The city would be reduced to piles of smoldering rubble by morning if John acted slowly. With a fierce determination, he cast a protection spell to buy himself time to initiate his hidden weapon. John reached into his trenchcoat pocket and retrieved the powerful Indonesian orb of Dewi Sri Adilorb. He began to chant the magician's incantation to empower the artifact, but he knew he had to act fast before the monstrous daemon reached him on the city's south side.

[Workflow: I sketched out a rough layout of a demon smashing a city and fed that through Tengri with my prompt. I took the best three images and then pieced elements together for the main scene. I used another series of prompts to generate a man in a trenchcoat in NightCafe, then pulled these elements in to be composited. I filled gaps to flesh out the comic book cover layout, merged the variant cover logo overlay, added the storyline logo with text and a sigil badge, and included creator credits, a barcode, and the DC Black Label badge. I added smoke, fire, flames, and a protection portal. I built a basic orb from Affinity's vector shapes, then layered in the magic glow and casting effects. Created a hell brand and applied to the daemon's arm. I found an Indonesian flag to pull into perspective warp into the image. Finally, lots of masking on just about every layer, and also layered in a few more texture tricks to produce the final product within Affinity Photo.]

Image list:
  1. final TrUzApalOOza cardstock variant cover of Jakarta Daemon part 5
  2. raw version of the painting (reduced resolution).  I flipped the image for the final cover so that my Hellblazer logo, and series badge would be where I wanted them.
  3. and a glance at my Affinity Photo layering panels with Fx filters

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