Showing posts with label Wonder Woman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wonder Woman. Show all posts

Monday, June 10, 2024

Wonder Woman, the Dual-Bladed Amazon

Wonder Woman with dual swords is a formidable battlefield force capable of taking down multiple enemies with precision and speed. Her increased agility, strength, and combat skills make her an even more formidable opponent. However, her reliance on her dual swords might lead to overextension and distraction, making her more vulnerable to surprise attacks.

[Workflow: I really liked the layout from Outsiders (DC Comics 2024 series) issue #7 featuring art by Jerome Opeña.  I made my own version of this fighter's stance featuring Wonder Woman instead of Katana finishing up the NightCafe base start with clean-ups and enhancements in Affinity Photo.]

Monday, June 3, 2024

Vintage 1947 Postcard Featuring a Boudoir Wonder Woman

I attempted to create a vintage-looking 1940s postcard featuring Wonder Woman's home island, which was advertised as a new vacation spot for the rich citizens of New York City.

[Workflow: collected source images, layered boudoir Wonder Woman onto the postcard side, font work, pulled some lettering from 1940's Wonder Woman comic for the back of the card, added vacation font for the front, various layers of dirt, and patina, brush layers for more roughage. Most of this in Affinity Photo but a few brushes were tweaked in Affinity Designer]

Hi-rez image link (front of postcard) [3675px wide]
Hi-rez image link (back of postcard) [3675px wide]

Wonder Woman's Afternoon Off

The Amazonian warrior princess, taking a well-deserved break from saving the world! As Wonder Woman lies on her back in the field of flowers, the warm sun shines down on her, and the sweet scent of the blooming flowers fills her senses. She closes her eyes, feeling the soft petals of the flowers beneath her, and takes a deep breath. As she relaxes, she thinks back to her many adventures, from battling Ares to fighting against the forces of darkness. She reflects on the lessons she's learned, the friends she's made, and the battles she's won. She thinks about her mother, Hippolyta, and the wisdom she's imparted to her.

As she lies there, Wonder Woman realizes that even the strongest warriors need moments of peace and quiet. She thinks about the importance of self-care, and how it's essential to recharge and refocus. She knows that when she returns to her duties, she'll be stronger, wiser, and more determined than ever. As she opens her eyes, she gazes up at the sky, feeling the sun's warmth on her face. She smiles, knowing that even during the chaos, there is always time for a little R&R. With a newfound sense of calm and clarity, Wonder Woman rises from the flowers, ready to face whatever challenges come her way.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Wonder Woman issue #1 - Blank Sketch Cover Shopping Mall Shoot-Out [TrUzApalOOza cardstock variant cover]

I turned the previous blog post image into a Wonder Woman #1 [TrUzApalOOza cardstock variant cover] release with edits and clean-ups within Affinity Photo.  The image was inspired by the Wonder Woman 1984 movie scene.

Hi-rez image link [2160px tall]

Blank Sketch Cover

Wonder Woman 1990 - Shopping Mall Shootout

Wonder Woman 1990 - Shopping Mall Shootout fed into NightCafe with my image prompt from the below black-and-white sketch.

Wonder Woman battle-ready

Wonder Woman is battle-ready with a sword created from my NightCafe + Tengr.AI prompts after feeding it an unfinished sketch.

Wonder Woman Swimsuit Edition

This year's Wonder Woman swimsuit edition was brought to you by my NightCafe + Tengr.AI image prompts, and some minor hand clean-ups.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Wonder Woman's Wedding Dress

Wonder Woman stands in her white wedding dress which is both festive and battle-ready! 
[Workflow: Created entirely within NightCafe.]