Showing posts with label Supergirl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Supergirl. Show all posts

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Supergirl: Sheriff of Red Rock

Supergirl materialized in the dusty, sun-scorched town of Red Rock, Texas, her eyes scanning the bustling main street. The air was thick with the smell of sweat, leather, and smoke. The year was 1850, and the Wild West was alive and kicking.

As Kara Danvers, aka Supergirl, took in the sights and sounds of this alternate multiverse Earth, she couldn't help but feel a sense of disorientation. Gone were the towering skyscrapers and bustling city streets of her native Metropolis. Instead, she found herself amid a rugged frontier town, where cowboys and outlaws roamed free.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Krypton's Healing Touch plus [TrUzApalOOza cardstock variant cover]

Kara Zor-El, also known as Supergirl, sat serenely on the edge of a purifying bath within the Fortress of Solitude's infirmary. In front of her, a radiant med-portal pulsed with ethereal energy, its gentle hum resonating throughout the chamber. This portal, a Kryptonian healing apparatus, emitted a soothing green-hued light that seemed to permeate her very essence with rapid bursts of pulse ions. As the luminous beams embraced her, Kara sensed her injuries gradually healing, her vigor and vitality returning. The Fortress's advanced medical AI, speaking in an androgynous voice, monitored her progress with a comforting cadence, delivering updates in the ancient tongue of Krypton, "Healing protocols initiated. Recovery projected at 97% completion."

[Workflow: Starter image created within Tengr was pulled into Affinity Photo for several layered enhancements, brushwork, particle flows, medical portal creation, and other minor corrections.   Also turned my artwork into a cardstock variant cover edition.]

inspiration image that got me going

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Supergirl's (cosplay) Abs-of-Steel

Body perfection in this weekend's modeling session featuring Supergirl Cosplay taken by TrUzEDIT AI Photo Labs.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Supergirl's Jungle Expedition

Supergirl leads the expedition through the dense jungle with incredible strength, speed, and agility. She easily navigates through the thick foliage, using her X-ray vision to detect any potential dangers or hidden obstacles. Meanwhile, the young female Army Corporal, equipped with standard-issue gear and training, follows closely behind Supergirl. The Corporal is well-versed in jungle survival skills and is prepared to handle any unexpected situations that might arise.

As they venture deeper into the jungle, they come across a clearing. Suddenly, a loud rustling sound echoes through the air, and a massive python slithers out of the underbrush. The snake's body is as thick as a car tire, and its eyes seem to bore into the duo. Supergirl, with her superhuman reflexes, quickly reacts by using her heat vision to blast the snake off the ground. The snake recoils, momentarily stunned, giving the duo a small window of opportunity.

The Army Corporal, seizing the moment, readies her handgun and takes aim at the snake. However, Supergirl quickly intervenes, using her super-speed to snatch the handgun from the Corporal's hands and hold it safely out of reach. "Let's not harm the snake, Corporal," Supergirl says with a reassuring smile. "We can use this opportunity to learn more about the jungle's ecosystem. Besides, we don't want to harm any living creatures unnecessarily." The Corporal nods in agreement, impressed by Supergirl's compassion and quick thinking. Together, they carefully observe the snake, taking note of its behavior and habitat. As they continue their expedition, they learn valuable lessons about the importance of coexisting with the natural world.

Hi-rez image link [2777px wide]

Supergirl Swimsuit Edition

This year's Supergirl swimsuit edition was brought to you by my Tengr.AI image prompts and some minor hand clean-ups.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Kerry Gammill Supergirl Converted with AI Images

I fed a nice nice Kerry Gammill sketch into Tengr AI and then cleaned up the final image for the best two coloring book-ready sketches below.