Showing posts with label grappling hook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grappling hook. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Dark Knight's Perch

Batman stood tall on the rooftop, the Gotham City skyline stretching out behind him like a dark, gothic tapestry. The wind whipped fiercely at this high altitude, but his eyes remained fixed on the city below. In his right hand, the grappling hook gun gleamed with a faint blue light, its metal curves a testament to the Dark Knight's ingenuity. The device, a trusty tool in his crime-fighting arsenal, was poised to launch him into the night, ready to swoop in and save the day. The city's neon lights began to slowly twinkle on like diamonds as the sun finally set on Gotham's horizon.

[Workflow: Starter image created within NightCafe sourced from a Dan Mora cartoon panel, and then pulled into Affinity Photo for a couple minor corrections.]

Dan Mora inspiration