Showing posts with label NightCafe Image AI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NightCafe Image AI. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Batman Standing in the Rain

Batman stands resolute in the pouring rain, the dark skies illuminated only by the distant flashes of lightning, his Dark Knight silhouette.   I created this image with NightCafe AI Image generator and then did some artifact clean-ups.

Hi-rez image link [1920px tall]

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Demon Pepper Under Glass

This delightful and intriguing snow globe, a unique treasure for your Mother's Day celebration, holds a whimsical story within its icy embrace. A charming green pepper demon, originating from the mystical underrealms, has been playfully captured and now resides in this enchanted snow globe. Legend has it that this mischievous pepper possesses the power to share warmth and laughter through its gentle, spicy aroma. The snowglobe's frosty charm complements the pepper's vivacious spirit, as it gently snows within, creating a soothing winter wonderland. This captivating piece is a delightful reminder of the joy and warmth that family brings, even on the coldest of days.

Three AI Images that I created in Nightcafe using Dreamshaper XL Lightning.

Hi-rez image #1 link [2719px tall]
Hi-rez image #2 link [2719px tall]
Hi-rez image #3 link [2719px tall]

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Kaleo the Murder Clown

I took a couple of @BlueMorpho's NightCafe AI-generated images and combined them together to create Kaleo the Murder Clown with a short introductory story to spice things up.

In the heart of the city, where the lights shone the brightest, there was a circus known for its vibrant splashes of color and chaos. The star of the show was KALEO, a clown unlike any other. KALEO was not your typical clown. His laughter was not of joy, but of madness. His painted face, a mask of sinister delight, was a stark contrast to the vibrant colors that surrounded him. He was a psychopath, thriving in the chaos he created.

Every night, KALEO would perform under the big top, his antics drawing gasps and applause from the crowd. But beneath the laughter and applause, there was an undercurrent of fear. For KALEO's eyes held a darkness that made even the bravest souls shudder. One night, during a particularly chaotic performance, KALEO disappeared. The crowd waited, their laughter fading into an uneasy silence. Minutes turned into hours, but KALEO did not return.

The next day, the city woke up to a sight of horror. The once vibrant circus was now a scene of desolation. The laughter was replaced by cries of terror. KALEO, the psychopath clown, had turned the city into his stage of madness. Despite the chaos, the city survived. They rebuilt, stronger and more resilient. But the memory of KALEO, the psychopath clown, lingered. His laughter echoed in the wind, a chilling reminder of the chaos that once was.

Hi-rez image link [2239px tall]

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

The Scorching Tide of Infyrion

For centuries, the prosperous city of Saltspray had enjoyed peace along its sunny shores. But on one fateful night, the ocean unleashed a nightmare upon the unsuspecting citizens. It began with an eerie, crimson glow emanating from the inky waves, like haunting embers flickering beneath the dark waters. The sea itself seemed to boil and churn as something massive stirred in the depths. Saltspray's nightwatchmen sounded the alarm as a towering pillar of flames burst forth from the ocean's surface.

From this infernal maelstrom emerged a terrifying behemoth called Infyrion,  a gargantuan daemon forged from smoldering brimstone and molten fury. Infyrion's rock-like skin blazed white-hot, illuminating the clouds of steam billowing from its gaping maw. Cruel horns crowned its lava-spewing head as magma dripped from its clawed extremities, singeing the ocean itself. But the daemon Infyrion was not alone in its emergence. Scores of animated skeletal warriors erupted alongside it, their decayed bones fused together by searing flames. Clutching fiery blades. this unholy army waded from the shallows, leaving a trail of boiling footprints in the sand.

Saltspray's defenses were quickly overwhelmed as wave after wave of flaming skeletal warriors scaled over the top of the city's ramparts. The piercing shrieks of burning citizens filled the night air as buildings and ships ignited from the onslaught.  At the head of the invasion strode the gargantuan fire daemon, melting stone and steel with every thunderous step. Its six baleful eyes surveyed the escalating destruction as if directing an orchestra of total annihilation.

By dawn's first light, much of Saltspray had been reduced to ashen ruins, its proud walls and mighty citadels collapsed into smoldering rubble. Thousands lay dead or burned almost beyond recognition. The daemon and its skeletal horde had withdrawn, slinking back into the ocean's depths as insidiously as they had emerged.  Saltspray's eternal summer had drawn to a terrifying close. The people who remained looked out over the smoke-choked skyline in mournful silence, forever scarred by the memory of the scorching tide that Infyrion had unleashed upon them.

animated from this original NightCafeAI image I created

Hi-rez image [1444px tall]

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

StellaB's Airplane Graveyard

I took a couple of @StellaB's Airplane Graveyard NightCafeAI images and merged them into a widescreen wallpaper for my own desktop. I made a few minor tweaks during combining.

Hi-rez image link [3785px wide]

Friday, March 8, 2024

Görgathös: Lord of the Bloodfire Pit

Görgathös: Lord of the Bloodfire Pit, was a demon lord with a malformed cone-shaped head, multiple pairs of limbs resembling tentacles, glowing red eyes, and spider-like legs. Known not just as a formidable leader but also as a terrifying monster that resides deep within the depths of hell. His appearance alone is enough to send shivers down the spine of even the bravest soul. Görgathös was originally banished to hell after leading an army of horrifying creatures against the divine realm. The punishment for his rebellious actions was severe, and he was sentenced to never-ending imprisonment in the fiery pits of hell. But Görgathös was not one to be cowed by such a sentence. In his eternal prison, Görgathös honed his already formidable powers, using the intense heat and molten rocks around him as sources of energy. His body twisted and mutated under harsh conditions, transforming him into an even more grotesque and monstrous form than he was before.

The other denizens of hell feared and respected Görgathös for his power, but they also knew that crossing him was a grave mistake. His tentacles could ensnare even the largest demon in an instant, and his spider-like legs allowed him to move with unmatched speed and agility. Despite being trapped in hell, Görgathös remained a force to be reckoned with, and his legend lived on through countless tales of horror and fear. Mortals whispered his name with trepidation, knowing that he was not just a demon lord but also a monster that could rip the very fabric of reality apart. In short, Görgathös is more than just a demon lord; he is a living embodiment of terror, and his mere existence in hell sends shivers down the spines of those who dare to think about him.

Affinity WorkflowA few cycles of image prompts using NightCafe AI  to end up with the basic octo-daemon creature. I then cleaned up AI artifacts, sharpened edges, merged several pixel overlays to recolor different regions, and brushed in additional objects.

Hi-rez image link [3943px tall]

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Glowshard's Awakening

Deep within the volcanic caves of Mount Draconem, a tiny emerald egg began to tremor and shake. Hairline cracks formed across the ancient shell etched with cryptic runes as rays of lava light filtered in. After centuries lying dormant, the hatchling within sensed it was time to break free into the world.

With a final mighty push, the egg shattered apart, and out tumbled Glowshard, a small sky-blue dragon wyrmling covered in glittering crystalline shards. He let out a squeaky sneeze, sending sparkling motes shimmering through the air. His eyes blinked open, revealing brilliant golden irises that reflected the lava flows around him. Despite his miniature size, power coursed through Glowshard's veins, gifted to him by the magical volcano that was his hatching ground. His whip-like tail twitched with excitement as he explored his new surroundings, tiny wings flapping in a frenzy. The cavern walls glowed with mystic runes left behind by ancient dragons of old.

Glowshard's instincts took over. He opened his mouth, feeling the scorching heat building within, and released his first real burst of dragonfire. Instead of a cone of flame, however, brilliant lances of pure light and energy erupted in a blinding flash. Shard-like projectiles ricocheted wildly, fracturing the rocks and causing the entire volcanic cavern to luminesce. Glowshard blinked, startled by the unexpected brilliance. Had he done that? A surge of uncertainty mingled with exhilaration coursed through him. This was only the beginning...

Affinity Workflow: A few cycles of image prompts using NightCafe AI (DALLE-3) to end up with the cute glowing dragon. I then cleaned up some AI artifacts, sharpened some edges, and extended the image vertically a bit to show off his motes of magic.

Hi-rez image link [3298px tall]

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Nrub'atocto Lingers Underground

Some more artwork to go with the previous Nrub'atocto - She Who Feeds storyline showing the entity still trapped below ground with the skeletal remnants of lesser daemons entombed around Nrub'atocto.

Affinity Photo Workflow: Two image prompts using NightCafe AI to help create the monster and portions of the cave, which were then merged and composited with layer masks.  Stacked various layers to paint in more color, and added a human skeleton to help you comprehend the scale of the daemon.  

Hi-rez image link [4235px wide]

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Bayou Mutations

Deep in the heart of the Louisiana bayou, where the air hung thick with the musty scent of decay and the calls of unseen creatures echoed through the cypress trees, two unlikely friends made their home. Shagster and Shilowe, products of a long-forgotten experiment gone awry, were beings unlike any other.

Shagster stood taller, his brutish frame a grotesque amalgamation of alligator, ape, and rat. Green scales covered his powerful muscular body, while wiry fur sprouted in patches. His elongated snout was filled with jagged teeth, and beady black eyes revealed a glimmer of intelligence. Despite his hulking size, he walked upright, his long arms swinging slightly with each step. Shilowe was sleeker, her features an unsettling mix of ratlike visage, rippling ape musculature, and powerful gator jaws. She lacked the towering height of her companion but moved with agility, also walking on two legs. Her prehensile fingers allowed easy scaling of trees when needed to forage for food.

For years, the pair had eked out a solitary existence, shunned by the human world and hunted by bayou dwellers who mistook them for monsters. But their mutated forms housed remarkable intellects, and they soon learned to communicate with each other through a series of grunts, chitters, and body language. One fateful night, as they foraged for crawfish among the mangrove roots, Shagster and Shilowe stumbled upon a submerged artifact – a remnant of the lab that had created them. Examining it together, they unlocked forgotten memories, fragments of their former lives as test subjects.

At that moment, a spark of determination ignited within them. No longer content to hide in the shadows, they vowed to uncover the truth about their origins and confront those responsible for their tortured existence. The bayou had given them life, but now it was time to embrace their destiny, whatever that might be. With Shagster's brawn and Shilowe's cunning, they set off on an adventure that would take them from the depths of the swamp to the glittering cities beyond, leaving chaos and confusion in their wake as they walked upright through human society. For these mutated marvels were just getting started.

Hi-rez image link [8644px tall]

Sunday, February 25, 2024

The Mist, part 1 & 2 (imagine a movie sequel call THE MIST: REBORN)

Rediscovered an old post I did, and decided to pull my original camera images and try another attempt at creating the morning's drive through The Mist... join me, as we head to the grocery store to help barricade windows.

Affinity Photo Workflow: My own photos plus a couple monsters borrowed from NightCafe AI Image collection I found combined, mixed & masked, extra textures, and more mist added with a bit of HSL color tweaking.

Hi-rez image [4120px wide]

Hi-rez image [4128px tall]

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Deacon Sirus, Your Local Spiritual Weatherman

Deacon Sirus, weathered hands clasped tight, stood atop the parched earth before his church. The once vibrant fields lay barren, the relentless sun a cruel reminder of their despair. His town, Hopewell, clung to the hope of rain, their whispers laced with desperation. With a deep breath, the Deacon's voice boomed, a plea not just to the sky but to the heavens themselves. His words, honed by years of faith, resonated with an almost tangible fervor. As he spoke, the sky, once an empty canvas of blue, began to stir. Wispy tendrils of grey coalesced, weaving into a tapestry of storm clouds. The wind picked up, a mournful sigh morphing into a hopeful song. The air, thick with anticipation, crackled with unseen energy. Finally, the first fat drops of rain splattered onto the Deacon's face, each one a tiny promise of salvation.

Affinity Photo Workflow: I merged a couple Nightcafe Image AI prompts into this single image.   Used Affinity Photo to clean out some AI artifacts, painted more lightning, added raindrops, and a bit of lens distortion from raindrops obscuring the camera lens.

Hi-rez image link [3854px wide]

Friday, February 9, 2024

The Circle Opens: Stonehenge Crossing Into Netherrealm

For thousands of years, the ancient stone circle known as Stonehenge has stood in silence, keeping its secrets. Yet on the morning of the summer solstice, the calm is shattered when the inner stones begin glowing with supernatural power at dawn's first light. Ancient runes and symbols ignite fiery yellow-blue, crackling with energy never seen before in present-day Britain. Within minutes, a beam shoots out from the epicenter of the towering monoliths, converging in an explosion of sound and light at the center of the circle. From the smoke and debris, a shimmering portal emerges—a doorway leading to a strange and mystical realm thought only to exist in myths. Now the door between worlds lies open.

Affinity Photo Workflow: A few image prompts using Bing DALL-E & Nightcafe Image AI to create some of the various objects.   Merged hell dimension within the gateway, added luminescent comet, scrollwork, and text intro.   Portal beam, shaman, and extra monolith work brushed/masked into the merged prompt images within Affinity Photo.  I rather like the text font "Ave Ave BB" once I added some outline weight to it. my first time using this font I think.

Hi-rez image link [2709px tall]

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Multidimensional Summoning

At noon, the ancient stones of Stonehenge glowed with the sun's warmth and cast long shadows over the desert landscape. A group of wandering mages had set up a temporary camp nearby, hoping to unlock the hidden power within the stones. After many days of meditation and prayers, they finally triggered a bright beam of light that erupted from the circle's center, piercing the sky and forming a colorful vortex in the distant clouds. The mages gasped in a mix of awe and fear, as a colossal being emerged from the opening in the clouds. Their prayers had been answered, but they did not know if the godlike creature from another world would be their ally or their ultimate doom.

Affinity Photo Workflow: A few image prompts using Bing DALL-E, Meta AI Imagine, and Nightcafe Image AI to help create portions of the monster, a lot of cloud images, and the desert valley. Vapor clouds, the sun, sunburst beams, and the summoning beams were added by hand in Affinity Photo. Eyeballs created using Filter Forge were added to the creature. Stone circles and tribal tents were pulled from images and masked in.

Hi-rez image link [2492px wide]

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Nrub'atocto - She Who Feeds

"Nrub'atocto - She Who Feeds" --- In the lightless caverns deep below the earth slumbers the ancient daemon Nrub'atocto. Interred in a nameless crypt, she has lain dormant for 917 years, her presence seeping into the rock, soil, and underground streams. When the slow work of subterranean rivers and trembling earth finally cracks open her tomb, Nrub'atocto awakens, ravenous from her long fast. With screeching howls and shattering chirps that echo through the buried passages, she wiggles and claws her way to the surface world that she has not seen for nearly a millennium. Any remote villages or towns built over her restless resting place soon hear baleful chanting from below as Nrub'atocto singly emerges. She brings a wave of maddening, dream-like visions of an alien realm that shake the sanity of all those who fall beneath the pulsing rays produced by her radiant eyes. Nrub'atocto appears as a grotesque hybrid of octopus and female humanoid, her pale pink flesh drooping with decay yet animated with an unnatural hunger. She breaks the surface, pushed forward by numerous powerful tentacles, exposing her two sharp-clawed hands, and screeches from a near bottomless fangless maw, releasing the foulest of odors with each fetid breath. Though she can devour victims physically, Nrub'atocto prefers to drain their life essences psychically, leaving behind desiccated corpses and wildly muttering lunatics doomed to perish shortly after. When Nrub'atocto has fed to her fill and the last haggard humans flee or fall to her mental assaults, she retracts through the deepest tunnels and crevices. Finding another hidden niche in the buried earth to make her lair, Nrub'atocto surrounds herself in a cocoon excreted from her writhing, slug-like lower body, once more sinking into dormancy where she silently feeds on the residual terror left behind.

Affinity Photo Workflow: A dozen image prompts using Bing DALL-E, and Nightcafe ImageAI to generate bits & pieces I wanted to chop up and then combine into new photos.  Combined separate monster heads onto octopus-like body parts, the church was taken from an old painting scan I found, most of the graveyard pieces scanned from a comic book, used a couple Filter Forge tricks to sync look-and-feel, a bunch of manual edits, a lot of clones, brushwork on the radiant eye beams, and tons of masking.

Hi-rez image link [2546px wide]

Monday, December 25, 2023

Carnal Corn

'Carnal Corn' is fully grown from seed-to-cob within a single day at the bio-farms of the Umbrella & Mansonto Corporations. Nightcafe Crystal Clear XL and Meta AI Imagine prompts, composite open-source images, and some sign creations within Affinity Photo.

Hi-rez image link

Friday, December 22, 2023

Lovecraft Water Babies postage stamp collection

I present the United States Postal Service's LOVECRAFT WATER BABIES stamp collection. This series was created entirely within NightCafe Mysterious XL v4. Cleaned up and combined into an actual stamp book using Affinity Photo.

Hi-rez image link.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

I'm Bobblehead Batman!

This image of Batman wearing his dayglow graffiti camouflage gear was created from a pile of various art splashes, Batman heads, and Batman bodies with Meta AI Image + NightCafe then pulled them all into Affinity Photo to Frankenstein them into the final product.

Hi-rez image link.

I'M Bobblehead BATMAN!

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Buffalo Bump TV Series coming soon to Paramount+

Short Brief: Buffalo Bump is an upcoming drama series on Paramount+ that follows Evelyn Harper, a pregnant woman wandering the rugged wilderness of Wyoming on the back of a majestic buffalo. Bound to the buffalo and the land mystically, Evelyn grapples with her past and uncertain future as she encounters various characters that help unravel her destiny. She develops a special connection to fur trader Mason, a nomadic Cherokee tribesman, and weathered cowboy Raúl. With each revelation about her past, Evelyn journeys closer to her purpose as the series explores themes of adventure, magic, and raw emotion against the backdrop of Wyoming’s untamed beauty. Evelyn must unlock the ancient wisdom of the buffalo and discover her fated path, all while protecting the life growing inside her. Buffalo Bump promises high drama and mysticism, showcasing the power of the natural landscape.

Press Summary: In the vast expanse of Wyoming’s untamed wilderness, where the prairies stretch out like an endless canvas, a remarkable tale unfolds. Meet Evelyn Harper, a pregnant woman with a spirit as wild as the land she roams. “Buffalo Bump” follows Evelyn’s extraordinary journey—a journey that defies convention and transcends boundaries. She rides atop a majestic buffalo, her loyal companion and protector. The rhythmic sway of the buffalo’s massive shoulders cradles her swollen belly, and together, they traverse the rugged terrain.

As Evelyn wanders the plains, she grapples with her past, her uncertain future, and the life growing within her. Her connection to the buffalo is more than mere companionship; it’s a mystical bond that whispers secrets of the land, secrets only those who truly listen can hear. But Wyoming is not just a backdrop—it’s a character in its own right. The windswept grasslands harbor ancient mysteries, and the snow-capped peaks guard forgotten legends. As Evelyn encounters enigmatic figures—Mason, a reclusive mountain fur trader, a nomadic Cherokee tribesman, and Raúl, a weathered cowboy—she unravels the threads of destiny that bind her to this rugged land.

“Buffalo Bump” weaves together elements of adventure, magic, and raw human emotion. Each episode reveals a new layer of Evelyn’s past, a revelation that propels her forward, closer to her purpose. Amidst the whispering pines and rolling hills, she grapples with love, loss, and the primal instinct to protect her unborn child. Will Evelyn find solace in the vastness of Wyoming? Can she unlock the buffalo’s ancient wisdom and discover her true path? And what role does her unborn child play in the unfolding drama of the plains?

Tune in to “Buffalo Bump”, where the heartbeat of the land echoes in every hoofbeat, and where a pregnant woman’s courage knows no bounds. The wilderness awaits, and Evelyn’s journey is just beginning.  

[ This is my imaginary pitch to TV execs if you haven't quite figured that out yet... I am pretty sure Tyler Sheridan would love to work with me on this project. ]

Alternate List of TV Series Names:

  • Cradled by the Wild
  • Mystic Plains
  • Prairie Wanderer
  • Riding the Whispers
  • Spirit of the Plains
  • Where the Grass Grows
  • Wild Heart
  • Winding Trails
Taglines for this TV Series:

  • "A mystical journey across the wild frontier."
  • "Where the wisdom of the land leads the way."
  • "Carried by fate. Guided by spirit."
  • "The untamed heart beats with adventure."
  • "Roam free on the wings of destiny."
  • "Let the rhythm of the wild lead you home."
  • "An epic tale as vast as the Wyoming skies."
  • "Magic awakens in the heart of the plains."
  • "Discover the secrets whispered on the prairie winds."
  • "A woman, a buffalo, and the call of the open range."

Hi-rez super widescreen image link which I created using a combination of NightCafe, Meta Imagine AI, and my own composite edits and merges using Affinity Photo.

Buffalo Bump TV Series coming soon to Paramount+
Evelyn Harper

Raúl, cowboy

Mason, mountain fur trader

Monday, December 18, 2023

Series C from the Cthulhu - Lord of Life Series postage stamp release

Here is "Series C" from the United States Postal Service H.P. Lovecraft stamp series. This series was created entirely within NightCafe Crystal Clear XL. I cleaned up all the ugly AI artifacts, added extra imagery where needed, and then combined them into an actual stamp book using Affinity Photo.  

Hi-rez image link.