Friday, August 2, 2024

Stalking the Stranger [The Lost and Found: Uncovering Hidden Comic Book Treasures]

Inspector Marat abruptly halted at the closed, office door. The Chief of Detectives was waiting to see him. Beads of perspiration dotted Marat's forehead like a pox that was spreading fast. He hesitated. He didn't want to knock. He didn't want to enter the Captain's office. He didn't want to hear what the Captain had to say.

Marat fidgeted. His fingers trembled as he raised his hand to knock at the door. If the Captain wanted to take him off of the strange case of the Strangler, there was nothing Marat could do about the Captain's decision. Ten women were dead — strangled! Last night, the murderer had followed his usual M.O. When the sun another woman was lifeless and the case was still unsolved. The killer continually escaped Marat even though Marat knew the Strangler almost as well as he knew himself. He didn't know the man's name, but he knew the Strangler's thoughts, his moods, and his methods. It was as if the murderer were Marat's own shadow. He seemed to be within reach of Marat's grasp, but he
couldn't be captured! The case was a mystery to Marat and to everyone connected with it. There was no doubt that the killer was a madman; but in his madness, he was cunningly clever. He left no clues, no tracks, no evidence. As well as Marat knew the killer, the killer knew Marat. It was as if the two men shared the same brain. How could a man catch his double in flesh, soul and spirit? That was the problem! That was why the killer was still on the loose!

"Come in Marat," called the Captain from inside of his office. "Calm yourself, Inspector, and come in. I know what you're thinking. Don't worry. I haven't summoned you here to take you off of the strangler case!"  Slowly, Marat turned the door nob. Swiftly, he pushed the door open. Boldly, he stepped into the Captain'ss office. The Captain's words had given him new life, new courage, new hope. He would not be taken off the case. There was no longer any reason to be worried or fearful. 
Quickly, Marat closed the door behind him. Instantly, his eyes scanned the room. Marat was a good policeman with extraordinary powers of observation. When he spied the attractive, young, policewoman seated near the Captain's desk, he knew that the mademoiselle was going to be his partner and tempting bait for the Strangler. "I can tell by your face that you've put two and two together," said 'he Captain as he addressed his subordinate. "Yes! I know what is in your mind," replied Mara stoically. "The girl is very beautiful. The Strangler will not be able to resist her, but I'm against the scheme even though it is a cunning plot. I always work alone!"

"In the old days, I would have catered to your whim, but this is a difficult case!" answered the Captain coldly. "As closely as you've examined the clues, I too have examined them. drawn my own conclusions. You haven't been the same man ever since the night you found your lifeless wife and her dead lover in your quarters when you returned home. Their suicide pact didn't free you from the evil hold she had on you. Part of you died that night. You are not the same detective you once were. You need help to solve this case!"  Sadly, Marat nodded in agreement. The Captain was right. Finding his wife and her (over had almost turned him into a madman. For a long while, his mind had teeter-tottered on the brink of insanity. He did need help to solve the strange case of the strangler. 

Later that night, the policewoman decoy slowly sauntered through the shadowy side streets and alleys of the city while Marat watched and waited. As she passed a dark corner, it happened! The Strangler grabbed her from behind and pulled her into the shadows. She couldn't see his face, but his hands were around her neck choking the breath out of her lungs. Her vision was clouded. She couldn't even scream for help! Where was Inspector Marat?

Then, a single shot rang out and echoed through the silent streets. The hands around her neck loosened. Someone moaned behind her and a body dropped at her feet. The girl turned to see the Chief of Detectives standing behind her. In his hand was a smoking revolver. On the alleyway floor, was the lifeless body of Inspector Marat. "He was mad," explained the Captain. "He couldn't solve the case because he was chasing himself. His wife betrayed him and it made him hate all women. The ironic thing is — that Marat never guessed that he, himself, was the Strangler. He was two men -- one good, one evil! Now the strange cage of the strangler is finally solved!"

Disclaimer: As the original publisher is no longer in operation and has not issued digital reprints, this collection serves as a valuable archive of these classic tales for the benefit of researchers, scholars, and enthusiasts. By making these stories available, I aim to promote a greater understanding and appreciation of the rich cultural heritage of comic books, while also acknowledging the original creators and copyright holders.

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