Saturday, May 18, 2024

Thrain Blackiron

The skeletal warrior Thrain Blackiron, clad in the remnants of a Crusader's armor, marched through the dimly lit underground passage with an unnerving silence. The only sound was the soft scraping of his bony feet on the stone floor. His flaming sword, emblazoned with the Crusaders' symbol, cast flickering shadows on the walls as he moved.

As he walked, the air grew thick with the scent of damp earth and mold. The passage twisted and turned, leading the skeletal warrior deeper into the underground depths. Thrain Blackiron's eyes, riddled with flaming intensity, seemed to bore into the darkness ahead as if searching for something.

Suddenly, the passage opened up into a vast underground chamber. The ceiling disappeared into darkness, and the walls were lined with ancient stone statues of long-forgotten heroes. The skeletal warrior's gaze swept across the chamber, his eyes lingering on the statues as if searching for a connection to his forgotten past.

[Workflow: A couple Tengr.AI images pieced together and then brought into Affinity Photo for post-edits on the warrior's eyes, along with an overlay of fog masking.]

Hi-rez image link [2689px wide]

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