Thursday, July 18, 2024

John Constantine (The Trench Coat Magician)

A few Nightcafe and Tengr images I created of John Constantine which I then cleaned up within Affinity for final posting.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

John Constantine's Eyes of Fire

My image of John Constantine absorbing a demonic entity was inspired by artist Davidé Fabbri's panel image I saw in Hellblazer #17 (2018).

Davidé Fabbri inspiration

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Monday, July 15, 2024

John Constantine Plus Cigarette Plus Pentagram Equals Demonic Summoning

John Constantine takes a much-needed smoke break while fiddling with a pentagram in a dark London pub, nothing good can come from this.   My version was inspired by Elena Casagrande's image I saw on Instagram.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Emma Frost teaching some New Mutants about trigonometry

Emma Frost teaching some New Mutants about trigonometry. The image started in NightCafe then AI errors were cleaned up by hand.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Sci-Fi Saturday Mornings on the classic Zenith 25" TV Console

The good ole days when my early Saturday mornings were spent watching Sci-Fi movies on my parent's Zenith System 3 25" CRT TV Wood Cabinet Console (1984)

[Workflow: built the movie image first, including adding graffiti, found my parent's old TV set on eBay, then merged them together, created TV distortion, liberal dispersion live layer use, added my classic channel 62 on the TV dial, and then added the dreaded reflection from the windows messing with my TV viewing]

Friday, July 12, 2024

A Study of Wonder Woman (Art WW-101)

Today's art class was a blast! We had the amazing Wonder Woman as our model, striking a pose on a sleek leather couch. It was a unique opportunity to capture her iconic character and style on canvas. The students were thrilled to draw inspiration from her powerful presence and dynamic pose.

[Workflow: Starter images were created within Tengr, and glitches were cleaned up within Affinity during final processing.]

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Legend of the Serpent's Temptation (John Constantine)

[another imagined John Constantine comic book cover for DC Comics for a one-shot storyline proposed to be written by Ray Fawkes with interior art by Juan Ferreyra.]

John Constantine's fevered mind conjured up a vision of the Garden of Eden, lush and vibrant, with trees heavy with forbidden fruit. He saw himself standing amidst the verdant paradise, the air thick with the scent of blooming flowers and the distant hum of a thousand whispers. The sun beat down upon his skin, but he felt no heat, only a creeping sense of unease.

As he wandered deeper into the garden, the trees grew taller and the shadows darker. John's eyes scanned the surroundings, his hand instinctively reaching for the cigarette pack in his pocket, only to remember he'd left it on the nightstand back in his dingy London flat. A faint rustling caught his attention, and he turned to face a massive, serpentine creature coiled at the base of a gnarled tree. Its scales glinted like polished obsidian, and its eyes burned with an otherworldly green fire.

The snake's gaze locked onto John, and he felt an inexplicable pull as if the creature was drawing him closer to the tree. A branch creaked, and a single, glowing apple fell from its bough into John's hand. The snake's forked tongue darted in and out, tasting the air, and John's mind whispered a single, chilling phrase: "Eat the fruit, and all your sins will be forgiven."

[Workflow: Inspired by Yasmine Putri's cover art from Hellblazer #17 (2018).  A series of Tengr image prompts to get many elements in the same dark-colored painting format, found a bunch of snake & vegetation images on the internet. Composed these pieces of John, tree, apple, and vegetation, along with special Fx overlays, and texturing work.]

final variant cover art
raw image without DC Comics branding
inspiration artwork

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

John's Swampy Visit

My image of John Constantine encountering a mutated version of The Swamp Thing that was inspired by artist Moritat's panel image I saw in Hellblazer #1 (2016).

John's encounter in the swamp

Moritat's inspiring panel

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The Devil's Drain (John Constantine Chases a Sewer Demon)

John Constantine stood at the entrance of the sewer tunnel under the streets of Edinburgh, his eyes adjusting to the dim light. The air reeked of rot and decay, and the stench of brimstone hung heavy on his tongue. He could feel it, lurking just out of sight, its malevolent presence seeping into his bones like a chill.

The red-eyed demon, known only as "The Devourer," had been summoned by some foolhardy mortal, no doubt seeking power or revenge. Now, it was up to Constantine to put an end to the demon's nightly feedings. He surveyed the dark, dripping passageway, his gaze fixed on the spot where the demon's presence was strongest.  The walls seemed to press in around him, the sound of dripping water echoing off the concrete like a morbid drumbeat. Constantine's eyes narrowed, his gaze fixed on the darkness ahead. He could feel its hunger, its rage, and its unquenchable thirst for destruction.

[Workflow: My image was inspired by artist Moritat's panel image I saw in Hellblazer #3 (2016), Base elements were generated using NightCafe and Tengr, then other layers (demon, rain, water, fog) masked in along with other Fx work.]

my demon I merged into final layout