Showing posts with label IAMRENSI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IAMRENSI. Show all posts

Friday, December 1, 2023

Green Lantern power battery with logo text work

I tested out the new Affinity 2.3.0 release today (cool new spiral tool available, but not used on this image), and with it, I finally had a chance to utilize IamRensi lights, lens flare, and particle brushes. Started with Designer font for the Green Lantern logo, converted it to curves, stacked and edited nodes for a 3D look, along with more warp group tweaks, then converted it into a second warp group to get the perspective laid down, Then took my work back to Affinity Photo, added a gradient for the lens flare coloring on the text, plus lots of various live filters on different layers, while compositing it into the 3d battery image I found online. 

Hi-rez image link.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Catwoman Climbing the Side of a Downtown Alley Building in the Snow

 I pulled a panel originally drawn by Juan Ferreyra from Catwoman #25 (DC Comics 2020), and started on my work in extending the scenery into something a bit different including merging it into a realistic snowy mid-city alley.  Used some of IAMRENSI's custom brushes, and I even had a chance to use Affinity Photo's transform function to alert the movement of Catwoman's leg, and the cat's tail.

Hi-rez image link.