Sunday, December 30, 2018

Samantha Fish LIVE!

Samantha Fish
If you enjoy blues/rock then I recommend giving her music a try by watching her performance at Knuckleheads Saloon in Kansas City last night which was live-streamed over Facebook.  I have not yet seen Samantha Fish live in-person at a concert, but she is definitely in my top ten at the moment.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Iron Man unknown artwork

unknown Iron Man artwork

[Solved - from Iron Man #241]

Anyone know which Marvel comic book this artwork actually came from?   I am not sure if it is from a 1980's issue of the main Iron Man comic book, or some other title.  Nowhere on the original does if give me a date, name, or any hint.   Most original comic book artwork as date stamps, names, issue numbers but this has nothing but some coloring guides notations.

Google & TinEye image searches were not much help but I also found a few scans of the finished image in a foreign discussion forum, a comicvine thread, and a random imgur post but none of them still gave any clues to true origin or source reference.

Can anyone identify the artist, the guy taking the punch, or the exact comic book this came from?  Any clue would help me narrow the search.

You can view the full hi-res scan of this artwork to see things in greater detail.   And before you ask the back of the artwork has only one thing written on it "story p.18", nothing else.